Iced Coconut Chai
Looking for a refreshing pick-me-up for summer afternoons? Look no further than this delicious Iced Chai made with our artisan Coconut Chai and almond milk. And if the sun is going down, why not add a splash of Stolen Rum for an enticing evening cocktail.
4 tablespoons organic runny honey
Toasted coconut and cinnamon quills to garnish
How to Make
1. Brew four heaped teaspoons of Coconut Chai in a large teapot for 20 minutes.
2. Pour the strong brew into ice cube trays and freeze.
3. Place the Coconut Chai Ice cubes into four glasses.
4. Pour chilled almond milk over the Coconut Chai ice cubes.
5. Drizzle one teaspoon of honey into each glass, then garnish with sliced of toasted coconut and a cinnamon quill.
6. Stir to combine and enjoy.